Monday, March 29, 2010

Tom Thumb Rocks My Socks Off! :)

After that last post, I've been on a misson! The last hour while Gracie was napping, I started checking out grocery store specials (Albertsons, Wal-Mart, CVS, & Tom Thumb). Albertsons has really good specials/coupons! I'll be going there tonight to get some stuff on my list. I don't actually have their coupon page so I'll need to clip some of the deals when I get there. I was really disappointed with Wal-Marts specials. Maybe it's just because it's Easter but it was mostly toys and candy. I also wasn't super impressed with CVS. You have to be in the mood to sift through lots of stuff.
Tom Thumb however is awesome! Their specials were okay (Albertsons was better) but I already have a rewards card so I started looking at that. Apparently if you have a Rewards card, you can look at their coupons online, pick the ones you want, and upload it to your card. No clipping, just hand your card to the cashier when you check out and your coupons are used, along with whatever you've saved with your rewards card! :)
This was too good to not pass on! All this comparison shopping is a lot of work and time. I'm so glad Tom Thumb has a way to cut out some of the process! Yay :)


  1. OK, I have to give some praise to Albertsons as well. :) I just got back from shopping there and, though I didn't go anywhere as low as $30 for the week, I saved almost $80 stockpiling on things that were on sale in bulk, such as: petite sirloin steaks (2/pk) BOG2Free!, hamburger helper 10 for $10, Barilla Pastas 4 for $10, and lots lots more! I'm super excited!

  2. Walmart seldom advertises good sales... but the upside is that they price match! They don't price match on buy one/get one type offers, but you can walk in with a written list (don't even need the fliers) with the prices you want and save a LOT of money. Last night, I bought an 8-pack of paper towels that was like $8.50 normally for $4.99 because of a price match. It probably doesn't save as much as clipping coupons, but it does save time in that you don't have to visit multiple stores. :)

  3. thanks Taylor! :) I didn't know you didn't have to bring in the coupons/fliers for them to match. that's awesome!
