Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Meal Plan Mondays

I promised Brock I was almost done so this will be short :) but I had to post this. This site, www.orgjunkie.com is all about organization and what caught my eye is that she has a Meal Plan Monday - complete with recipes and everything! I'll definitely be using this to change up and add some meals to our menus. The more recipes you have, the more you can do with what you already have, right? :) Plus, there's a McLinky at the end of this post and there are hundreds of other bloggers who have shared their meal plans as well!!! Wow!

There are other organizational tips on her site that I haven't gotten to check out yet but the meal plans are enough to make it a favorite!

1 comment:

  1. I can't find the $30 grocery plan you talked about the other night.. Can you send me the link?
